
Germans do not say excuse me

Posted by the admin Sunday, November 7, 2010
Germans do not say excuse me

the majority of Germans do not say excuse me when needing to get by in a crowded spot ( z.B. in a market like Plus or Penny or kaufland) they would just rather stand behind you and huff and puff than simply saying Entschuldigung, or expect you to be telepathic and know that they are right behind you and you are suppose to "know" that they need by.
I also find it funny how it seems that the Germans, who are thought to be a people of order and organization, cannot seem to walk in a straight line while shopping.

And don;t get me started on the bike riders...who regardless of their very own lane, would rather almost run you over on the pavement while riding in the pedestrian zone in the opposite direction (against traffic).

also when trying to get off the U-bahn you have 50 or so people who want to get on while you are trying to get out,,,(granted this happens most places with a large metro service)

and another one i can think of is no matter how bad their doctor might be most Germans do not question their (the docs) authority (perhaps still ingrained with the führerprinzip) and stay with them throughout many misdiagnoses. happened to my wife who they said she was having sever allergy attack and when she could not breathe , they told her he ha to live with it, when she tried my personal doc,,he said all the other docs were wrong and it was a lung issue and gave her the right meds and she has been better ever since...but it took her some convincing to get her to change docs.

Plus they seems to have an Amt for everything, i think many are redundant and are just there to basically justify paying people to do nothing..and basically a legal form of robbery: like GEMA

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