
How Russian Female thinking about sex

Posted by nations habits Monday, November 8, 2010
How Russian Female thinking about sex
For those that are looking for a relationship with a Russian woman or for those that are using a K1 Fiance visa to bring their fiance to the U.S.A, there are a few things you need to know about the woman of your dreams. Often times a man will bring a woman to the America through a K1 Fiance visa and when she gets here he has a hard time trying to understand her. By the time a man is working through the Green Card with his new spouse, he may feel like he made a mistake marrying her. In all the Green Card is stressful enough without also having to try and understand your new spouse.

If the Russian woman of your dreams has entered your life and you have been bitten by the Russian love bug, then this article is going to help you understand your Russian love.

Upon beginning my travels to far away countries, I came to the conclusion that cultural was completely subjective. What is cultural and expected in Russian culture is considered to be rude in many other cultures. It works the other way around too, because before I came to America I believed in a widespread stereotype that Americans have absolutely no culture.

It was later that I discovered many Americans considered Russians to he lacking in culture as well. Both parties have reasons to think that, because their cultures are defined by their society, by its customs, traditions and beliefs and unless someone is interculturally competent and travels widely, it is hard to understand why people from other cultures don?t do it the same way we do. Some things may seem obvious to us, but they might seem absurd for the people from other countries.

A good example of this is how Americans dress. Russians feel that Americans do not dress well. They are actually a bit shocked to see how casual Amercians dress. Appearance (especially women?s) matters a lot to people, so they would spend their last money on hairdressers, make-up and fashionable clothes.

Go to a restaurant in Russia and you will notice that all are dressed up. Russians feel good about themselves when they dress up and it is also respectful to others that come to the restaurant. I remember how shocked my Russian friends were when they went to a U.S. restaurant for the first time. They were celebrating their wedding anniversary, so they were dressed up in an evening dress and suit. My female friend called me as soon as they got out of there. She said: ?You wouldn?t believe what just happened. There were people at a restaurant wearing sweatshirts and jeans. We felt like idiots, because everyone was staring at us. Why are Americans are so uncultured??

I didn?t know what to respond to that. I didn?t think Americans were uncultured, because I lived here for a while and learned that culture was defined completely differently. I just advised that next time they go to a restaurant they should go to an upscale one if they want to have the same experience as they did in Russia.

For most Americans looks are not that important and they seem to place comfort and convenience much higher to avoid discomfort. ?Why are you always wearing high heels? Aren?t you uncomfortable??- an American friend of mine asked me. ?Beauty requires sacrifice.? I would quote a popular Russian saying, but she would just shake her head.

Americans who travel to Russia often complain that Russians are rude and unfriendly. The cashiers at the store will never smile at you and if you need to ask for directions or need help with something, people on the street are rather aggressive, unhelpful and very unfriendly.

To smile at someone can have many different reasons and results, it is not part of the Russian culture. If a guy on a street smiles at a girl or vice versa it means he is interested in her. Otherwise it is unacceptable for strangers to greet each other and smile at each other and it can be misinterpreted.

The last thing that Americans find rude and insulting is that Russians do not greet each other more than once when they run into each other. ?They greet you only once and all other times they just walk by you pretending that they don?t see you.? It is true that Russians greet each other only once during the day, and they on another hand don?t understand why their American coworkers say Hi and smile every time they see them. They often feel awkward.

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