
Breakfast in Germany, Austria, the Netherlands, and Scandinavia

Posted by nations habits Sunday, November 7, 2010
Breakfast in Germany, Austria, the Netherlands, and Scandinavia

These countries are characterized by the generous selection of food that is eaten there in the mornings. Cereal, eggs, a variety of breads with butter and jam, cold meats, cheeses, yogurt, fruits and fruit juices, as well as tea, coffee, hot chocolate, or milk -- the breakfast eater is likely to make a substantial early meal out of these elements.

There are, as might be expected, regional specialties. In Sweden, for example, people may choose to put filmjölk, a thick, slightly sour milk, on their cereal. In Germany, the most common preparation for eggs is soft-boiled. Austrians eat a light breakfast very early in the morning, and often have this substantial breakfast, which they call a Gabelfrühstück or "fork breakfast", a little later, perhaps at one of the many coffee houses for which Austria is famous.

At breakfast in the Netherlands, you might encounter a local specialty known as groene haring (green herring). These are small herring that have been lightly pickled in brine, and they may be eaten in the style of a small child -- by picking one up by the tail, holding it up over the head, and dropping it into the mouth. And, instead of coffee, tea, or hot chocolate, some Dutch breakfasters might choose anijsmelk, warm milk flavored with aniseed.

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